
While working with the Open Search Foundation within the European Union, I co-authored a technical research paper with Professors from several European institutions like University of Rotterdam, Leibnitz Supercomputing Center and TU Munich being published at the 5th International OSSYM (Open Search Symposium) in CERN, Geneva. Here is the paper’s proposal that was accepted: Prototype Search Application Using the Open Search Index


Currently Reading: The Art of War

Previously Read:

Title Author
Dune Frank Herbert
Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman Richard Feynman
Siddhartha Hermann Hesse
Quantum Computing Since Democritus Scott Aaronson
What We Owe The Future William MacAskhill
Quantum Computing for Everyone Chris Bernhardt
Fundraising Ryan Breslow

You can find a more detailed list of my readings on my Notion.

Here is a collection of several quotes I have collated over time!


As part of my internships and courses, I have written several technical papers, including: