“Finished products are for decadent minds.”
- Bail Channis, Second Foundation

Hi! 👋

I’m Rohit, a fourth year Computer Science undergrad at the University of Waterloo. Have a look at my timeline for a detailed listing of my varied experiences.

Originally, I come from Bangalore, India, informally known as the Silicon Valley of India, and rightly so in my opinion. I witnessed the growth of myriad small businesses1 (into large national and multi-national corporations) throughout my childhood. This demonstrated the power of ideas and the technology of bringing them to life. Evidently, my formative years in Bangalore inspired me to become a Computer Scientist.

Apart from spending my hours trying to ideate and write code that impacts many industries, or increases my understanding of them, I take pride partaking in a broad spectrum of activities :-

I am an avid reader, and you can find more information about my readings, writings and publications here.

I have always been highly fond of sports, and of either experiencing them visually or physically (or both). Some sports|teams that I identify with are:

Sport Team/Player
🏀 Los Angeles Lakers
🎾 Rafael Nadal
🎱 Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis
Manchester United

I love being outdoors and spending time in the midst of nature, especially while hiking, kayaking, cottaging or surfing.
Stargrazing is another one of my go-to activities (where 💡 pollution is minimal of course), reminding me of our humble place in this Universe!

Some of my other hobbies include playing tennis, the guitar and constantly learning just about anything!

  1. Example: In 2008, a friend’s uncle started an advertising company and spoke passionately about it. 4 years later, I open the newspaper and was taken aback seeing that it was valued at $1B, moving to San Francisco to carry out operations. This company is of course, InMobi. ↩︎